Cannabis LAB
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State of the Cannabis Industry
PS Social
51 Northwest 36th Street
Miami, FL 33127
United States
Thursday, October 19, 2023, 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

Click Here to Register

Get a FREE medical mar*juana card evaluation upon request with registration

Great industry associations are hard to find. When it comes to the cannabis industry, associations are not only useful and meaningful, they are critical. Knowing the people in your own community, continuing to learn, staying connected are as important as anything we do for our success. Even if we do it once a month, we should all take a moment to sit down and share a drink with our peers. It is our honor and privilege to bring the best and brightest in cannabis together. Please join us in MIAMI!!

If you are a member the event is with our compliments.

If you are not a member now is the time to join

For non members it is $30 to attend in person - PS SOCIAL

We really appreciate you getting involved with cannabis industry and making an effort to stay educated and network with your peers. Please help us to grow by sharing the good word with your friends, family and co-workers.

The best way to keep up with us is on LinkedINFacebookInstagram or Twitter

Join the fastest growing Cannabis Business Association. Careers, Clients, Industry Discounts, Education, Events, Networking and more.